Our Philosophy

Ensuring your family recieves the very best care.

Our Philosophy

Our staff strive to look at issues from a child’s point of view and to inspire parents to look at the world as their children see it.


LPA is a group of professionals in child care, all committed to the welfare of children. We provide quality pediatric care for ages newborn-18 years of age. When we care for your child, we do so without regard for your ability to pay. We serve you in good faith and trust that you will deal fairly with us.


Hospitals are frightening places! We prefer not to hospitalize children. If this is unavoidable, your child needs you for comfort and support, often even at night. Please feel free to room in.


Self-esteem is the foundation of a most stable and mature personality. Almost all emotional problems can be prevented if parents make their children feel worthwhile and special. The unconditional gift of your time and attention is far more important than the money you spend. Parenting is the most difficult, most rewarding, and most poorly taught responsibility in society today. We hope to help your family understand the needs of children.


We know that lifestyle has a great affect on the physical and emotional health of children. Therefore, we teach good nutrition, exercise, safety, and the importance of close family relationships. We give our best advice but expect families to make their own decisions about health.

Main Phone: 814-262-9500

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